Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The CDA Regurgitates Its Final Draft Constitution

On the 29th of July 2017 the CDA had once more shocked the Libyans by dramatically voting its final draft constitution [0] without reaching consensus with neither all the CDA's members nor with the two ethnic groups of Libya: the Tebu and the Berbers (the Berber Amazigh and the Berber Tuareg). Out of 60 CDA members only 43 members voted for the proposed draft (out of 44 attendees) and one voted against. 

The GNA's president had welcomed the flawed draft and said nothing about any of the above violations [1]. The HoR so far is silent about the matter, even though many HoR members have "personally" rejected the draft. The Tebu members of the CDA had also rejected the draft [2]. The Amazigh Supreme Council was reported to have said that it will take the CDA to court over the proposed draft as well as write its own Berber constitution.

The final draft was widely criticised for a number of reasons including:

  • The flag was left for the (forthcoming) parliament to decide, instead of enshrining the current flag (of the so-called revolution) in the constitution.

  • The seats of the House of Representatives have not been specified, as opposed to the seats of the Senate (78 members).

  • One of the fundamental flaws of the draft is that it lists the Berbers of Libya as two ethnic groups: the "Amazigh" (the Berbers of the north) and "The Tuareg" (the Berbers of the south), when in fact they are both Berbers belonging to the same and one Imazighen nation of Great North Africa. The Tuareg call themselves "Imushagh" and speak "Tamasheght" which is the same as Tamazight the Amazigh speak. The Berbers of Libya should strongly object to this discrimination being enshrined in the constitution that does not represent them in the first place, and instead request the unification of both tribes as members of the same ethnic group - namely the Imazighen ('The Berbers'). There are more than 40 major Berber tribal groups still inhabiting North Africa to-day including the Imushagh group of the Great Sahara (which foreigners including the Arabs call "Tuareg").

  • The other problem with the draft is that, like all the previous constitutions of Libya, it does not recognise Tamazight ('Berber language') and Tebawi (Tebu language) as official languages of Libya. 

For further violations and  information and to download a copy of the final draft constitution of Libya please see:



General Authority of Endowment Declares Muslim Berbers Infidels

The above edict, written in Arabic, was delivered in response to a question posted by someone who asked about the suitability of dealing with and praying behind an Abadi preacher in Nafousa Mountain, western Libya, who preaches that the "Koran was created".

The Libyan Supreme Fatwa Committee (of the General Authority of Endowment And Islamic Affairs) was widely criticised for declaring most Libya's Berbers "deviant", "Kharijites" and "astray", who adhere to "infidel" doctrines, such as "the Koran being created", and therefore Abadi preachers cannot, the edict continues, lead Islamic prayers in a mosque. 

The president of the GNA, Mr. Sarraj, speaking in general terms had condemned incitement to hatred and "fitna", but made no specific mention (whatsoever), neither by name nor by organisation, to the radical edict nor to the Supreme Fatwa Committee [1].

Still worse, the Bayda government (the government appointed by the HoR) has approved the edict made by its religious authority (the Supreme Fatwa Committee), and even stated that the Supreme Fatwa Committee is "moderate" [7] and that the edict said nothing about the Abadites possessing infidel doctrines. This is very, very strange because the above fatwa clearly mentions in Arabic the Abadite as

الإباضية فرقة منحرفة ضالة، وهم من الباطنية الخوارج، وعندهم عقائد كفرية، كعقيدتهم بأن القرآن مخلوق وعقيدتهم في إنكار الرؤية

and even stated that praying behind them is "indignified" and "not permitted" (فلا يُصلّى خلفهم ولا كرامة). Does this mean that the Prime Minister cannot read Arabic? Or does it mean there is an evil agenda to wind-up the Berbers to cause civil war in Libya? Whatever the reason behind all of this nonsense the world needs to know that most Berbers abhor violence and have no intention of swallowing the bait swallowed by their neighbouring brothers across the region. All attempts to drag the Imazighen into this "global war on terror" will be doomed. Terror is simply a matter for intelligence to weed out, in silence, without firing a single bullet, if, of course, the intention is to eradicate the radicals! 

The audacity is that instead of repudiating such extreme hatred and radical edict, the Bayda government said the fatwa made no mention of the "Amazigh" by name, although everyone knows that in Libya only the Berbers (the Amazigh) are Abadite (or Ibadis or Abadis). This is like saying the inhabitants of Jeddah are infidels, and when the Saudis complain, one can reply to them by saying: who said anything about the Saudis! 

From a Berber perspective such statements and fatwas serve no purpose other than "fitna" and incitement to hatred; and to deny a link between Abadite and Imazighen is like adding insult to injury; and hence Libyaherald wrote: "The Beida-based government has sided with its Awqaf (religious endowments) and Islamic Affairs Authority in the row over the latter’s fatwa damning Ibadis as infidels. It has claimed that the committee is moderate . . . despite the fact that a large proportion of Libya’s Amazigh community are Ibadis" [2].

Over two-hundred (200) Libyan intellectuals including writers and academics and political activists and journalists have signed a statement [8] totally rejecting sectarian religious discourse (الخطاب الديني التصنيفي) that divides Libyans (الذي يشق صف الليبيين) and strives to disseminate hate speech amongst the sons and daughters of one nation (ويجتهد في بث خطاب الكراهية بين أبناء الوطن الواحد). They have also questioned the role of the General Authority of Endowment And Islamic Affairs and the nature of its political project that targets individuals and institutions in a way that does not agree with the principles on which the General Authority of Endowment is based. The National Commission for Human Rights in Libya had also condemned the fatwa [5].

According to  the Amazigh Supreme Council [6]:

"The Amazigh Supreme Council, declares absolute rejection of the fatwa issued by the High Committee of Fatwas, affiliated to the so called Interim Government, located in eastern Libya. In that fatwa, they stated that Ibadhi muslims are a deviant astray group, belonging to Khawarij and possess infidel doctrines. Which is a direct incitement for a genocide of the Amazigh people in Libya, a blatant violation of international treaties and conventions, a call for unrest among Libyans by threatening the social peace in the country, and the possibility of propagation of this menacing speech to neighboring countries; Algeria and Tunisia; Therefore, we call all Libyans to refrain from being persuaded by such racist and menacing speech. During these difficult times, we urge all the military councils of all the Local Governance Units within the membership of the Amazigh Supreme Council, to unify their work and efforts to guard security and stability. Furthermore, we call the international community to commit to its duties of protecting civilians. Tripoli, 10/07/2017 (27/06/2967ⵣ) "


[0] The full fatwa:

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Finally Haftar Meets Sarraj On Foreign Land (حفتر يلتقي السراج في أبو ظبي)

Haftar Meets Sarraj
Photo source: Lana News

Finally Haftar and Sarraj met in UAE [1] on Tuesday the 2nd of May 2017. One of the confirmed points of agreement is that they agreed to meet again in Cairo on the following week. Initially the Libyan media reported various points agreed between the two, but later it emerged that some of the points reported by the media were, as usual, not true. The following is what the media said; followed by what the GNA's website announced; then followed by the joint statement that came from the UAE. First, what the media said [2]:

Media's Report

  • To keep the dialogue open
  • To meet again in Cairo on the following week
  • To form a work team to oversee the completing of the agreement
  • To form a smaller Presidential Council made of three members
  • To unite the Libyan army
  • To hold presidential and legislative elections before March 2018
  • To discuss cancelling Article 8 of the LPA (only one source reported this point [3])
  • To reject all foreign military interference in Libya's affairs
  • To reject the settlement of illegal immigrants in Libya
  • To fight the [international] terrorism [imposed on Libya]
  • To dissolve all militia and armed groups

GNA's Official Statement

That was how various Libyan media outlets reported the meeting. However, on the following day, the website of the GNA [4] published its official statement regarding the meeting, and according to this document there is no such agreement. This document says [according to Temehu's translation] is that: "there was emphasis on a number of issues the most important of which are as follows". This sentence does not indicate any kind of agreement, just emphasis that the listed issues are important. Nonetheless, these issues are as follows:

  • The call for a social dialogue to establish national principles and the idea of building a democratic country, and the work towards the constitution to overcome the transitional period.
  • The necessity to return the Libyan displaced and refugees to their homes and work towards national reconciliation.
  • Legally uniting the state's institutions and preserving the principles of the 17th of February.
  • Work towards finding solutions to the financial problems the Libyans suffer from.
  • Presenting a strategy to build the Libyan army and the emphasis that the army must be under the command of civil government.
  • Uniting all efforts to fight terror.
  • Calming the situation in the south of Libya.
  • Taking all the steps to ensure a peaceful and transparent authority of governance, and fighting corruption.

Download the official statement regarding Sarrah-Haftar Meeting - part 1

Download the official statement regarding Sarrah-Haftar Meeting - part 2

Joint Statement (بيان مشترك في ختام لقاء المشير حفتر والسراج في أبو ظبي )

The Joint statement [5] states the following points of agreement:

  • To preserve the national unity of the country
  • To activate the Libyan army to fight terror, protect the borders, and secure the country
  • Addressing the problem of militias and collecting arms from the people
  • Amending the LPA
  • Work towards lifting the embargo on the Libyan army
  • Calming the situation in Fezzan

Download The Joint Statement by Sarraj And Haftar

Update 1:

The Cairo Meeting

It emerged later that the Cairo meeting between Haftar and Sarraj had never took place. According to a number of speakers in Libyaschannel's Sejjal, Mr. Sarraj failed to attend the Cairo meeting because he was controlled by the Islamist militias controlling Tripoli which ordered him not to go [6]. The GNA's website did even mention the news of the meeting with Haftar [8]. However, Haftar did go to Cairo on the following week but instead he met President Sisi; followed by a visit of the Egyptian Chief of Staff to Cyrenaica a few days later.

Instead, forces operating in the area controlled by the GNA, particularly the Third Force, attacked LNA's air base in Brak Ashshathi on Thursday the 18th of May 2017; massacring 142 people in cold blood. The Libyan army said it will retaliate by attacking the Jufra base (near Houn and Sukna) - an area allegedly controlled by Islamist and radical militias including Qaeda-affiliates. The GNA, on the other hand, had suspended their Defence Minister, Mr. Almahdi Alberghthi [7].

All in all, it seems tragedy that the UN imposes such a government in violation of the democratic rule for which the country was destroyed by its bombing campaign in 2011 allegedly to protect the Libyan civilians (by placing them in greater danger than ever before in Libya's entire history).

Update 2:

Haftar's Revelations To Journalist Esa Abdulqayyoum

On the 25th of May 2017 the Libyan Almarsad (صحيفة المرصد الليبي) published an interview with Haftar in which the latter revealed a 12-point plan which he discussed with president Sarraj. The interview [9] was conducted by the Libyan journalist Esa Abdulqayyoum (عيسى عبدالقيوم), who said he decided to follow the matter after Sarraj had failed to attend the Cairo meeting and as a result he requested an interview with Field-Marshal Haftar.

According to this interview, Haftar was shocked to hear that president Sarraj attended the meeting without presenting any suggestions or solutions to the problem and that (according to Haftar) president Sarraj told him he attended the meeting only to break the silence, and that Sarraj only requested calming the situation in Fezzan.

However, Haftar did present a 12-point plan for discussion, to which president Sarraj responded by saying he will take the proposals to Tripoli and discuss with other "unnamed authorities" in the west of Libya.

Haftar's 12-point proposal can be translated as follows:

  1. Libya is one united state not to be divided.

  2. The Libyan National Army is the only army in Libya and no other parallel military power will be allowed; the army will include everyone who carries a legal military number subject to the laws of the military institution.

  3. No dominion by the government over the army which will come under the jurisdiction of the Presidency Council once agreed upon its structure.

  4. Total rejection of any foreign intervention in building the army and securing all towns and cities including Tripoli.

  5. The Libyan army is responsible for protecting the country's resources like the petroleum terminals, water resources, gas, and all Libya's borders.

  6. The forthcoming executive government must not come under the control of any political party, ideology or militia.

  7. Daesh (ISIL), Qaeda, Ansar al-Sharia, LIFG, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Benghazi Defence Brigades (BDB) must be regarded as "terror organisations".

  8. Dissolving all types of militias and brigades according to an agreed legal frame, and propose an alternative for those who do not wish to join the army.

  9. Prohibiting ownership of arms and weapons except what is permitted by law.

  10. Any procedure outside the boundaries of the Constitutional Declaration (CD) and its Amendments shall be regarding void.

  11. The continuation of the fight against terrorism as defined above until Libya is totally free of terror in order to insure the safety of all Libyans and begin the development of the country.

  12. The Central Bank of Libya, the National Oil Corporation, and the Libyan Foreign Investment Board are sovereign institutions not subject to government (مؤسسات سيادية لا تخضع للحكومة).

To Read the full interview in Arabic please follow this link:لأول-مرة-حفتر-يكشف-عن-وثيقة-النقاط-الـ-12/

For further information about the UN-imposed GNA please visit:

