Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Submerged Roman City Discovered Off The Coast of Cyrenaica, Eastern Libya:

 Archaeologists have discovered what appears to be an ancient, 2nd-century AD, sunken Roman city, just off the coast of Cyrenaica, between the towns of Derna and Bomba, near Tobruk, in Eastern Libya. The discovery was made by members of the project ArCoLibia (Archeology Coast of Libya), in a survey off the Libyan coast. While searching for wrecks, the researchers found walls, tombs, buildings and roads between one and three meters beneath the water.

طرابلس : أسفرت أعمال تنقيبية أجراها علماء أثار من إيطاليا عن العثور علي مدينة تحت سطح الأرض تعود إلى العصر الرومانى، على ساحل برقة الشرقى فى ليبيا, وتقع بين مدينتى درنة وبومبا، بالقرب من طبرق.