Monday 16 June 2008

Can Journalists Visit Jamahiriya?

Yes, journalists can get a Libyan visa:

Libyan tour operators are not allowed to issue visas for journalists. If you are a journalist and want to visit Libya, then you must do this at the Libyan embassy in the country of your residence, in person.

It is then up to the embassy to grant or refuse the visa, but, as pointed out by Reporters Without Borders, foreign journalists can now get a visa more easily than before and that the department of relations with the foreign press claimed to have issued between 1000 and 1500 visas in 2005.

Visiting journalists need a permit, obtained from the information ministry’s foreign media department. Even with a visa at hand, you must have confirmation from Libya that your visit is expected. Be warned that once inside do not attempt to interview any official unless you have a prior authorisation from the department of relations with the foreign press, unless you want to report from "inside"!